Friday, March 12, 2010

How to get a loan to have a baby?

We have money coming in on Aug. 2008.

We want to have a baby this Summer.

We need some money and wondered if anyone had every gotten a loan under such circumstances.

Any advice would be welcome.

How to get a loan to have a baby?
you dont need a loan to have a baby - they dont cost that much!!
Reply:Unfortunately, because of our situation, we DO need money. We need 3000 alone for the implantation, let alone the trip there and back.

Ah well. I guess this is a case of no one actually answering the question because of preconceptions. Report Abuse

Reply:It's not having the baby that's expensive. It's raising the baby that really costs. If you can't afford the lifetime commitment, you probably shouldn't have a child.
Reply:Seeing as it's already June, I don't think you'll be having a baby this summer, regardless of your financial status.

If you think you don't earn enough now to cover the basic expenses of a child, I'm not sure why you'd think that you will be able to do so for the next eighteen or so years just because you're getting some money next year (although I suppose it does depend on how much you're getting--if you're inheriting millions, you'll probably be all right, lol!). However, the idea that you need a loan just to cover the expenses of having a baby is alarming, and I think it's going to be difficult to get a loan unless you can offer some kind of colleteral--after all, the can't repo the child, can they?


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