Friday, March 12, 2010

How to get a loan to pay off old credit debt?

About 6 years ago I had alot of credit and let it all go. I thought it went away after 7 years, but that is not true. All they do is keep selling it to other companys. Well i just got summons to court for an old debt. so how do I get a loan with bad credit to pay off old debt.

How to get a loan to pay off old credit debt?
Given your credit history, you may not be able to get a loan of any kind. First you need to get hold of your credit reports. There are three major credit reporting agencies in the USA: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Offhand, I don't know contact information for them, but you should be able to find snail-mail addresses and phone numbers for them online or in your local public library. Write to each of them or phone each of them to find out what their reports are saying about you. Once you know what the reports say, you will be better equipped to deal with it. You've received a summons to appear in court? What kind of court? Small claims? It sounds like you need an attorney. Perhaps you should consider declaring bankruptcy. In any case, don't ignore the court summons. Make sure that you show up in court, and if the judge orders you to pay, you have to pay. You don't want what is called a "judgement" on your record, because that *never* scrolls off your credit reports, like some other debts do after seven years. How much in debt are you? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands? Tens of thousands? There are credit counseling agencies in many locations in the US. Perhaps there is one in your area. Contact them, make an appointment, and see if they will help you. But they won't give you a loan. They will, at best, make it easier for you to pay off your debts.
Reply:Whatever you, don't be a "no show" in court...they'll get a default judgment against you.....The statue of limitations for credit card debt in almost all states is in the 3-5 year range...with a few exceptions.....If you've made any payments during this time period, this would reset the statue of limitations. If you have NOT made any payments, you need to confirm that this debt is not outside the statue of limitations for your state. See link below and look under "Open" accounts for your state....

I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:
Reply:Opt for a debt consolidation loan: The easiest method of getting a debt consolidation loan is to utilize the equity of your home. Equity of your home is calculated and determined by the difference in the amount you have paid and the amount you owe. If the amount you have paid is more than the amount due, you can use it as collateral. This allows you to borrow money on lower interest rates. Besides, you also get tax benefit on this type of loan. Consult your tax advisor before opting for this loan.

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